Monday 31 August 2015

Kalon Kakon


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Clarissa Lake - USA, Russia, Germany and Poland - European curiosity

Wednesday 26 August 2015


I never forget what is the objective of this text. Write another phrase. Light other cigarette. I stopped writing because I wanted so. Why do I write? Because I am human. Sometimes I feel thirsty. Today outcasted and homeless. Poor wine and bread do not sustain my breathing.
I dare to say love. Once I know this emotion whitin, spikes of a burned rose beneath my flesh, fragment of despair, I can write.
A text is not only produced with love. It requires disposition and a true feeling. It is impossible to represent it if you never knew the waves of goodness provided by love. I wish God have mercy of those who ignore love. I also believe there is an special place reserved in hell for them.
When the heart beats I am sure it is a machine gun. I like the exercise of creation, the possibility of a new idea, another scheme for representation.
Why do I write?
Because I read. Poets use to change physichal matter into beauty. Destroy the wild nature in order to transform trhough chaos and organization, literature. Why do I write? Because I wish so.
I have been accused of reading Cervantes. And Goethe. Shakespeare. When I use the word "terrorist" in my texts some kind of people see missiles and granades.
I believe it is the job of a writer to move the imagination of the reader from one place to another. Create illusions that it won't hurt. Fiction. Day after day my concern over the reading skills of my countrymen is bigger. Can people REALLY read without preconceptions?
The objective of a fiction text is to light people's mind. Make them imagine the impossible: When Moses opens the sea, I really imagine that scene, a powerful man guided by God, in order to save this Family and people. When Athena pushes the hair of Achilles to avoid the madness of the hero __he was angry and ready to kill his best friend Agamenon, I really imagine that scene, even being quite sure it is impossible to manipulate the will of nature as Moses did and Gods do not exist, unless as a representation.
The Cinema also had had imagined scenes of Homer and putted into screen. But nobody can control a text. Not even his own writer. A friend of mine have Faith my little black cat, Pluto, is the reincarnation of Devil. If it was a dog I could say he was reading Faust. It is not the case
Sometimes people really believe what they are reading. They have Faith that the words in the text are real as the newspaper. I have something to say about it: I am so sorry for these unhappy and lonely hearts.
I was going to criticize them but I gave up. Each reader has its own time of comprehension. Why do I write? Because I love, my heart beats and I want to look the beautiful sky and live. But I feel myself sad. I cannot even make a joke with this situation. Sometimes it is not only ignorance. Sometimes it is some disease of mind, a incapacity of creativity and a peculiar form to use the imagination: through reality. See reality as a fiction. The incapacity of absorbing poetry of literature is pathologychal. I don't know if the word is correct, there are no dictionaries around and this is my favorite exercize.
My objective is to create fiction, not lies. Lies can damage people and I don't like it. I hope there is something beyond the text called Justice, which is the natural remedy for liars.
The case of mental disorder I respect. One watches over literature and start to SPEAK in real life things that never happened. This is sad and I don't wanna talk about it. Why do I write? Because I am monster. A heartless son of a bitch.