Wednesday 11 October 2023

The parable of the Wolf

 Once upon a time, a wise old wolf was taking a nap in a sunny meadow when a chatty donkey approached him.

"Hey, Mr. Wolf," said the donkey, "did you know that the grass here is blue?"

The wolf, still a bit groggy from his nap, replied, "Blue grass? No way! It's green, my friend. I can prove it."

And so, the wolf embarked on a mission to convince the donkey that the grass was, indeed, green. He shared a multitude of theories and arguments, but the donkey remained stubborn in his belief that the grass was blue.

Frustrated by the donkey's unyielding stance, the wolf decided to escalate the matter and the donkey, in his turn, took it to the king of the forest, a majestic lion.

"Hey, your majesty," the donkey complained, "the wolf insists that the grass is green, but I know it's blue!"

The lion, resting with his eyes closed, replied nonchalantly, "Indeed, the grass is blue. Please fetch the wolf; I must have a word with him."

Delighted by the lion's support, the donkey rushed to the wolf to deliver the news. Annoyed but obedient, the wolf went to meet with the lion.

In their meeting, the lion sternly addressed the wolf, "I'm going to punish you for telling the donkey that the grass is green."

The wolf was indignant and ready to argue his case when the lion continued, "I'm punishing you not because you're wrong, but because you wasted your time trying to convince a donkey. Donkeys are donkeys, and sometimes it's best not to argue with them. In fact, trying to do so makes you just as stubborn as a donkey. Now, go before I change my mind and have you for lunch!"

Barbosa - The parable of the wolf