Sunday 5 April 2015

au contraire

It could be nice to read a text of yours.

Lake, Clarissa - Academic point of view

Since there is none, I will keep writing.
Until I get too much bored.
Shifts bloody moon for a half of my being
A mirror stands. Can you hear it?
The silence of the universe
Flowing over your head
Soon will come the blazing meteor
Destroy everything you knew.
Kids playing in the park,
Old woman crossing the 5th Avenue
The rainbow trying to appear
Exchange my words for a more syntactic point
There is a flower in the corner of the street
No one saw it, but like a child, I smile
I did see the spikes and the red couple of wine
After the simple sentence,
Comes the compound one.
Perhaps if comes many verbs, a complex sentence.
What is the deal of grammar anyway?
This is a bomb poem
His author, poor dynamite.
I should erase all of this.
I really don't know the meaning of danger.
Maybe I'm mad woman.
Maybe I'm just a piece of paper, trying to whisper,
trying to catch the clouds and swing in the river.
Too much water may wash my what and how
Repeat the same phrase again
So the reader knows this is a damn poem
Soon will come the blazing meteor
It will destroy your heart, it will wash your soul
On thousands tones of the same.
Freud may explain why I am like this or that
No matter what you do for life,
Do not smoke cigarettes. They stink, cause cancer, make you old,
less attractive, less confident (specially on bed...),
Marlboro: The power of propaganda:
Hey Lady would you like to buy some poison?
I hate poison!
But this one poison can make you look beautiful!
A cigarette is all your alter ego needs?
What? Says the client, almost thinking the dealer is joking
A cigarette is everything you need to be happy?
Maybe...but what about this poison?
Do not worry! Enjoy your life while you can
Please light this Napalm to make your life happy!
If the propaganda is good enough you can sell poison as pop corn
It's all the same market, which us poets belongs
Cigarettes are disgusting and I hate people who smokes.
They should remember they won't have a future
They are already in deadline, one after another, carried to hell.
Do not worry about your future, smoker
Die, but try to die alone. I don't wanna see your emphysema.
Look for pictures and videos in Google
Older poets used to smoke
Where they are?
They are sleeping
In silence
And deep sleep.
Smoking in another world. Writers are bad propaganda
They are paranoid, vicious, lascivious, not so fun, not so social people,
They love more alcohol then people and are the great hero of our adolescents heroes
Tell me what you read and I tell you who you are
I am Miss Lake and not one can take
Take what? Take what? The read desperate, says it's a horrible poem
Finish my poem yourself.
I would let some lines so you can write your poem with mine
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Lake. Take. Make. Sake. Fake. I give you some rhymes and
Try to make some of your own. Democratic enough?
Reverse all controversy
Invert the verse
Break the rule
Go away
Find happiness among a helmet of spikes
Why I cannot reach her? An specialist in discourse matters?
I cannot reach her because she had has suspended judgement.
Suspending judgement is an act of criticism. She is taking the position
that something has not been shown. She is saying that she's not convinced
or persuaded on way or the other.

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