Friday 24 January 2020

Celebration of the Box: Special Edition 10th Anniversary

It's been a long time that society are not reading anymore. When they read, they don't understand. 
It is real tragic that in lower countries, such as Brazil, even the most educated people don't know the difference between reality and poetry anymore. 
Sometimes they do know the difference, but they are so overwhelmed by the corruption of the system that they internalize the fascist modern way of life (the group rules, democracy is the will of the majority, etc).
It is good for those who use to write and are acused without a proper right of defense. Even if the person had the proper right of defense it is ludicrous, because the system is completely corrupted.
Is a real interesting data, that society, for the sake of their own families and comfort, do whatever is necessary, even treat themselves and nonsense dumbs, incapable of understanding.
History will not forgive those who believe to be very smart today.
That being said, the editor of this content decided to write again. However, there is nothing more to say. Everything was said before and the editor does not want to repeat a sequence of paranoia and disgust, just to give the pleasure to the dominant class to wipe us out and eliminate critical sense.
A person who suffers from oppresion never forgets. Specially a person who could be very dead right now, because of some corporative desire to sustain the State in its corrupt ways. 
Everyone is free to make its own choices. History will decide who was right, who was wrong, and history will not forgive. 
The Editor hopes that you remember what you did and why you did what you did. 

Edgar Allan Poe

Today, there is only one possible reading of Edgar Allan Poe (for certain society well-educated groups): Poe is sexist, hates people, was a drunk idiot and socialists and feminists hate it. 
A short story such as The Black Cat, nowadays, is a menace to the rights of women. Because a drunk guy, with emotional problems, assassinated its own wife because he was getting mad with a black cat. This is the only narrowed, possible reading of a text today: everything is sexist, dumb, corrupted as the minds of those who really believe to be making a great contribution to its nation.
People read today according to their preconceptions and narrow-limited minds. 
Our Western culture is slowly dying. Nobody wants to read Marx, Freud, Poe, Einsten, Newton because these guys are "men", they are all "sexists" and now the only possible way of reading texts is through a feminist lens. 
I promised not to talk about these things anymore because the burocrats of my country are too much spoiled and they believe because they are "in power" they can do whatever they want. They actually can do whatever they want: incriminate, frame, lie, distort facts, abuse power and yet feel themselves as right citizens. Yes, they are still in power. They claim to be feminists-socialists, but they supported, on 31 August of 2016, a political coup which removed a female president from Power! 
The same feminists supported the most monstrous guy to be in the Executive Office right now. They are dreaming this is a democracy, and they live this dream, as the characters of Poe live their own dreams. We live in the most false democracy ever, and I don't intend to say the name of the person who is the the Executive Office right now, because this person lives on self-propaganda and say whatever he believes it is best to cause confusion and social comotion. 
I would never quote the name of a person who only uses Goebbels principles to sustain power. But you are believing that justice and democracy exist.
Brazil is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The citizens are so familiarized with corruption and deception that acting like this is actually democratic and fair through their own point of view. Deception is the sole integrated part of the brazilians daily lives. 
Because the burocrats have the power, and the society have no critical thinking, anything they say becomes religious, becomes the basis of a solid and unquestionable true. 
However, we should not stop reading these guys, ever: Poe, Milton, Shakespeare, Bukowski, Chaucer, Allighieri, Goethe, Cervantes, Saramago, Homer, Marlowe, etc. 
People in Brazil praise the ignorance is a bless, and they love to be in the dark. 

If I say that I find Edgar Allan Poe short stories fun, they are going to process me for sexism. They are going to say that I am mad and deserve to be incarcerated! They are the real characters of Poe, but unfortunately, they are flesh and blood, they are not phantasy. People who use ideology on their own side and are prompt to argue in courts and tribunals, claiming how victim they are. 
No matter what happens, Poe is always fun for those who really know how to read a text. By trying to isolate culture and critical thinking, the burocrats of my country are very much alike the crazy characters of Poe:

"Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded -with what caution -with what foresight -with what dissimulation I went to work!"

The burocrats of my country have no reason at all for do what they do, and yet they believe they are the normal, regular part of society, when they are, in fact, real lost souls:

"If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body".

The ironic tone is paramount here. A crazy person (a burocrat in power), looks to oneself as a normal person at all, and find justification to eliminate somebody else because "of his eyes". The problem here is that the society is so ignorant that they are going to support all of this madness and nonsense.
I have nothing more to say. Brazil is disgusting and those who believe in democracy are just illusionists, alienated and lost in a gloomy dream. 

Literature becomes crime. Expression becomes revolution. Class issues becomes subject of the law. 
Phantasy becomes reality. 

The Editor

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