Friday 30 January 2015


January 24th, 2015

2h23m AM 

Pedra Grande, Atibaia (Nearly 32 miles from São Paulo, Capital)

A couple climbing the mountain full of equipment.

_Are you sure this is the right site?
_Look for your rope and do not look down. We are almost there.

They are trying to reach the top of the rock. When is 2h50 minutes they step into the peak.

_This is not the right epoch to see stars. I told you several times, but you are quite like a bull.
_No sign of rain. Sky is clear and if you look carefully you'll see she's coming.
_Why did you bring me here after all?
_Canopus is the most brilliant star of your constellation.
_My constellation?
_There is a constellation which carries your name. It was once part of Argo Navis, the mythical ship of Jason and the Argonauts. It is 2h54m now. Take your binocular and watch the east.
_Oh..I can see it! It's so beautiful.
_Canopus is a super giant. It is not possible to see its color, but it is white. It is the second most brilliant star during the night Sky, after Sirius.
_What is that?
_It is the nebulous star Eta Carinae. May I take you there?
_You are being so poetic.
_Actually....I am meaning it.

The guy which was speaking started to become nova, changing its aspect to white and then carrying the girl with him, out of space, very very distant from our planet, from the city of São Paulo. 

_Stop screaming! You are safe with me.
_It_it_it_it_it is so cold in here.
_Sorry, I will keep you warm. What about now?
_What is that thing coming in our direction?
_A meteor shower which comes from Eta Carinae. Nothing to worry about. Stay here
_I never imagined such thing was possible
_Everything is possible. But you have to imagine.
_It is so nice of you. To bring me to see the constellation which has my name.
_Your star is very far from me. Can you see it? It is more than three hundred years light.
_It is quite distant...It makes me sad.
_Don't you worry. There will be always my star shining for you.
_Which one is your star? Sirius?
_No honey, the yellow one.
_My oh my! Take out of here! It is too hot!
_We are so far of the sun and still can burn. Do you see?
_I never saw anything so romantic. Thank you.
_Time to return.
_Are you okay?
_I like you so much!
_I'm afraid you were dreaming while I was cooking these breads. I didn't want to wake you up. It was so beautiful your slobber running off your opened and snoring mouth.
_Hey! I like you no more.
_I hope you like my food.
_Where are we?
_Pedra Grande, Atibaia.
_I was having such a wonderful dream. I was travelling to space and you destroyed a meteor shower and then....

Clarissa Lake - What poets can do

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