Monday 16 June 2014

The art of loving

Most people see the problem of love primarily as that being loved, rather than that of loving, of one's capacity to love. Hence the problem to them is how to be loved, how to be lovable. In pursuit of this aim they follow several paths. One, which is specially used by men, is to be successful, to be powerful and rich as the social margin of one's person permits. Another, used specially by women, is to make oneself attractive, by cultivating one's body, dress, etc. 
Other ways of making oneself attractive, used both by men and women, are to develop pleasant manners, interesting conversation, to be helpful, modest, inoffensive.


Two persons thus fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available on the market, considering the limitations of their own exchange values. Often, as in buying real estate, the hidden potentialities which can be developed play a considerable role in this bargain. In a culture in which the marketing orientation prevails, and in which material success is the outstanding value, there is little reason to be surprised that human love relations follow the same pattern of exchange which governs the commodity and the labor market. 


The third error leading to the assumption that there is nothing to be learned about love, lies in the confusion between the initial experience of falling in love, and the permanent state of being in love, or as we might better say, of "standing" in love. If two people who have been strangers, as all of us are, suddenly let the wall between them break down, and feel close, feel one, this moment of oneness is one of the most exhilarating, most exciting experiences in life. It is all the more wonderful and miraculous for persons who have been shut off, isolated, without love. This miracle of sudden intimacy is often facilitated if it is combined with, or initiated by, sexual attraction and consummation. However, this type of love is by its very nature not lasting. The two persons become well acquainted, their intimacy loses more and more its miraculous character, until their antagonism, their disappointments, their mutual boredom kill whatever is left of the initial excitement. Yet, in the beginning they do not know all this: in fact, they take the intensity of the infatuation, this being "crazy" about each other, for proof of the intensity of their love, while it may only prove the degree of their preceding loneliness. 


Clarissa Lake - Erich Fromm: The art of loving. <3

Thursday 12 June 2014


English is today what Latin was a long time ago: the language of poetic and science. The high language. When I was saying about the Eagle of Roman Empire it could be also, for extension of meaning, be the Latin language. 
When some author wishes to impress the reader, until nowadays he still uses some Latin sentences. Then comes the French, with the liberal thought and model of rational society which all of us in Western are heirs. Dostoievsky let very clear the influence of French language on Russia's high-class level. French is still a very powerful language around the world, but it had lost his throne for English. 
English is the modern fire. Languages created in laboratory are fated to doom. English is not only ink on the paper, there are a history of thousands of people who lived and let their spirit over and beyond the language.
It's not only a language for business and diplomacy. The diplomatic language of "How are you", "Thank you", and lots of others sentences made for brief and polite communications. 
English is not only the sound and the shape of the sentences which comes from the mouth of speakers. English is the culture of people who speak it. Is a language which the person we love most have taught us: our mother. English comes when we are just children, as much as milk, unconditional care and love. 
Languages raised in laboratories do not have this element of love. They are stepmothers. They do not use to give milk or teach us the language which will form what we are when we grow. People learn English around the world to make business and speak the language of the books, not the language anyone speaks on their respective lands. 
A mother tongue carries more than history and love. It is the registry of what we are. We express who we are thought language. That is the poetry. Needless to cite names of English literature. It has a weigh no one in the world could deny. What a laboratory language, made only for brief communications have in terms of history and poetry? Which poetry is made without love? 
The great majority of scientific and academic articles and reviews are in English. English is the fire of our age. Watch movies for example. Two movies in German, one in French and hundred fifty-five in English. 
English is the dollar of languages. It makes easier our communication around the world. However this is a very wide way of using this rich language, beyond our imagination. English is not a "easy" language, as German or Portuguese were "harder". There is no such thing. If you believe English is easy, you better hurry up catch some books and restart your studies. I am meaning. Read scientific articles and newspaper in English does not assure that you are fluent on our plural culture and our profound poetry. Of course read George Martin is easy, because he is a writer of soap-operas, it is his job write easy in a way you would certainly understand. Try Edgar Allan Poe. Try William Blake. Try T. S Elliot. Or even Jane Austen.
If you are happy because you are fluently speaker, try to wonder in which variation of English you are fluent. From Brooklyn, New York? From London? Ireland? Australia? George Martin variation? People get proficient in English, but which variant? The cult one? Cult on which state of which country? Are you not assuming there is a hegemonic language around the world, as this laboratory language, which I despise so much I can not spell. But it has something to do with "hope". And I believe hope is the worst evil on the planet. Keep humans locked in a trap. Also I believe we don't need faith in the future, we have to work today and with focus. Because tomorrow only belongs to God. Hope is also a sin but I cannot enter this subject right now. 
I wonder if these language schools teaches literature and culture. I doubt. A language is nothing without its spirit which is the real culture that carries the meaning of the language. Laboratory English is very easy, but I wonder if I gave them Milton or Shakespeare for read and explain, I have my doubts they are up to. 
English is a living thing. Out of people who speaks these laboratory language, where is it? Inside somebody's heart? No, it's on a library, it's only inside a book. What I am saying is that laboratory language is only rational. The human and the essence of passion which makes us humans, does not belong on a laboratory language. Does never exist a loving mother giving you that.
English will survive three hundred, five hundred years and even more. What would happen with laboratory language? It will disappear when people lose the fashion for it. It is just fashion and efficient in a low level of operation. But English is the real fire. And I stole it. 

Clarissa Lake - Stealing the fire

Monday 9 June 2014


(Aphrodite, Athena)

In the empty and large desert. Night. 

Aphrodite: _Look who's here. What beautiful blue eyes do you have. It's a pity you will give them to nobody. It's delicious to see you. But wait. The woman who thinks being able to do whatever she wants. Isn't that Athena? 
Athena: _I shall pass. I didn't come to this far in the desert to hear your hallucinations. 
Aphrodite: _You know you can't go anywhere without my permission. This is not Olympus Athena and the almighty Thunder Lord would not cast a bolt up in my head. Not here. You gotta pass trough me to get where you want. The Pythia girl should have told you.
Athena: _The Pythia is just a fiend. 
Aphrodite: _I see you are not here to talk. I tried to be nice to you. But I am sure you are not dressed in platinum armor, helmet and Aegis Shield just to talk to me. You are so sweet Athena. You are docile with your childhood. Your bravery is what makes you so special. I like the way you envy me, it's so puerile which sets my good emotions over you. 
Athena: _You think every woman is just the way you are. You are wrong. I don't care for such things.
Aphrodite: _You certainly not. Let me see how you make a pose when I call...The Kraken. 

A giant beast jumps behind Aphrodite and comes in fury to Athena, who stands just the way she was. Then she just move the arm slowly, and touches the head of Kraken. The beast becomes easy as a baby pet. 

Athena: _You are just such a good boy! Don't listen to her.
Aphrodite: _Impressive. Let's see Cerberus
Athena: _You are a loyal bound and you should be with your Owner. The Overlord misses you, go to him. She is just sad and lonely and she is trying to hurt someone. No, you are a good boy now. There is no need of making thousands pieces of this pretty subject. 
Aphrodite: _You are amazing Athena. If I call all my beasts you will turn them into pacific ones. Let's see what is your trick now:

A soldier comes running very hastilyt. He has a shield, a spear and a sword in the case the spear brake. His name is Angra.

Athena: _No, this is not Angra. This is my favorite hero, Prometheus. Why do you insist to show everything inverted to me? End this useless game and accept that it doesn't work with me. 
Aphrodite: _Zeus must be ashamed of you! C'mon, let the nature revolve itself and bring its fury upon you! What if I did take your floor? You are not on the ground anymore. What would you do?
Athena: _I am just falling. When I get down there I think about what you just said.
Aphrodite: _Funny! What if the floor becomes a tortuousness lava?
Athena: _I see no problem. The temperature is very high, but as long as I stood upon my Shield, this burning red thing do not scare me.
Aphrodite: _Unbelievable! What if I make the earth shakes and you lose your balance? What if I make rain thousands years of deadly ice upon your head?
Athena: _I would cover myself using my Shield until the rain is over. As I am doing right now. 
Aphrodite: _The rain is getting stronger. You do not have such strength do defy nature!
Athena: _When this rain is out, we will see that. 
Aphrodite: _Let it rain fire! 
Athena: _This the best you can do? 
Aphrodite: _I see I will not reach you with my skills. Perhaps,  I should kiss you. What about it?
Athena: _Don't you dare! You are just a wounded woman. Stay away from me!

Athena touches the head of Aphrodite and she falls on the ground as a potato bag.

Athena: _Sorry, I didn't want to harm you. Are you okay?
Aphrodite: _Athena? What are you doing here?
Athena: _Hold on a second, for the Father of the Gods! You are very harmed inside. I will try to heal you.
Aphrodite: _Healing? Am I sick? Tell me Athena, I am getting anxious.
Athena: _Easy girl. Cupid has thrown an arrow on your heart years ago. You removed the arrow but could not remove the scar, neither the pain which caused to you. So you made a magic trick to forget the scar you carry upon your shoulder, and easily you started to become strange. The pain caused for the arrow could not be saw, understood or even noted for you. You hid it from yourself. But the pain was still there, and it was killing you one minute at a time. Do not try to resist, I will remove the infection. 
Aphrodite: _I feel so bad Athena. What I did to Hephaestus wasn't right....I am dreaming every night..Is there a way to change this situation? Do I have to suffer until the end of times? Why love brings this harsh masquerade agony of pain? Is there a way of not loving? Is there a way to forget? Oh Good Zeus I am so sorry! So sorry, please Athena, forgive me for I was such a silly. You are a good person, I am just upset with Ares and I was raising my anger over out. Please Athena, tell me something!
Athena: _I said easy. Do not start crying right now! I will give you a good reason for tears. But you gotta promise me you will be strong.
Aphrodite: _Fine what you have to do, I can't bear this pain anymore! I wanted to die but I can't! I can't Athena! Please, do whatever you need. 
Athena: _You are really gorgeous.

Athena applies the medicine to heal the heart of the lady. Aphrodite screams aloud for a long time.

Athena: _Now it's clean and it will regenerate. Keep covered and change the bands every day. Don't keep looking at it, in a couple of weeks there will be no trace of it. I finished. Your heart is healed. But I really have to go.
Aphrodite: _I am feeling so light. It's been a long that I don't feel like this. Thank you Athena. Why Cupid never reached you heart?
Athena: _Because I protect it. With Titanium armor and Aegis Shield. So Long Aphrodite. 
Aphrodite: _I actually envy you. I wanted to be just the way you are. 

Clarissa Lake - Aphrodite and the Beasts. 

Saturday 7 June 2014


I'm London Marxist female, I am drinking a delicious couple of tea and I am going to the British Museum when I finish this tasty milky liquid. I will get there in six minutes and twenty-two seconds, if I use my bike. Haverstock Hill to Great Russell St, here I go. If I'd take my car, it would be probably eleven minutes and thirty-four seconds, without traffic. Anyway, I must aware you: be careful, I am thinking.

Kiss me up baby.

Clarissa Lake

Friday 6 June 2014

Pallas Athena

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Bill of Rights - Second Amendment - United States of America, 1789 

For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised. - Chapter XIV

Machiavelli - The Prince

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. 

Thomas Jefferson - Letter to W. S Smith. November 13, 1787

(Dike, Themis, Athena and Athenian civilians)

Dike: _Order! Order!
Athenian Citizen: _I want you to arrest those three soldiers over there, they are still smiling.
Pallas: _Tell me Athenian Citizen, tell everybody here what happened.
Athenian Citizen: _Yes my lady, now that you asked me to do. Listen to me and to my friends, and those that I never met, for the glory of the Thunder's Lord: I was making my art in the downtown when these three guards came and did command a inspection on my body. I feel shame to tell you this, but I could not accept guards taking my body, so I respectfully questioned them: Who gave you this order? That bigger one laughed hiss ass off and said: Nobody. We do what we want. We find you suspicious, so it's our duty to see what you have beneath these clothes and take you for a preliminary inquest. 
Pallas: _Is it true Athenian Soldier?
Athenian Soldier: _Yes my lady, it is. This man is completely mad. He is just an artist, he doesn't have a family, he's not at the gym making physical exercises to up his spirit, no my lady, he keeps doing sculptures, saying poems and not paying taxes. 
Athenian Citizen: _Shall I continue? 
Pallas: _Please. 
Athenian Citizen: _Oh the Cloud-gatherer be blessed for his power and his daughter. I am very grateful for this chance to speak, because this soldiers tried to shut me up. Well, I told them: As a free citizen of the Republic, I see you are not following superiors orders, neither protecting myself. You bring fear and force in the name of the Republic. For the sacred laws which sustain our Republic, I declare right now, as ours countrymen as witnesses, that you are under arrest. This is when they start laughing so hard, like children or crazy people, they can not even hide their faces, because they are sure the Republic will defend them, after all, they are paid for the Republic.
Pallas: _Soldiers? Got something to add? 
Athenian Soldier: _I am telling you he is crazy my lady. 
Pallas: _Why? Are you a physician?
Athenian Soldier: _No milady, I am just a Soldier.
Pallas: _What is the duty of a Soldier?
Athenian Soldier: _Protect the laws and the people.
Pallas: _"Protect the laws and the people". Isn't too much contradictory? Why did you laugh when the Athenian Citizen told that you all were under arrest?
Athenian Soldier: _Because he is a tramp. Nobody gave him the power to make us the villains and he the hero.
Pallas: _Our subject is not villainy. Just one final question, tell me Soldier, what do you think we should do?
Athenian Soldier: _Whip this artist and oblige him to work. He's out of his mind, let's give him a job and some punishment for he dares to think he has more power than a soldier of the Republic.  
Pallas: _Soldiers. Leave your weapons. You are under arrest. You'll have a lot of time to laugh now.
Athenian Soldier: _What? 
Pallas: _One more question and I will order to shoot you. Get out of Temple while you still can. 

Senator: _My lady, this is not wise! 
Athena: _I am not asking for your advice. 
Senator: _We senators are here in majority, in the name of The State, we demand to know what this is all about. Do you have something to say, this is the place Athena. Tell us Senators here at Agora, in broad day light, what is your intention?
Athena: _Finish the army. End the police. 
Senator: _And how could we defend our Republic from external and internal menaces? 
Athena: _Everyone in the Republic will be a soldier. When they got proper age, learn how to shoot and receive a weapon, given by Republic itself. Every patriot should learn how to shoot and carry on his gun.
Senator: _Athena! Athena! Where have you been? What you are saying is impossible. It compromises the political content of the Republic. If you give them weapons, they will surely turn against us. 
Athena: _As they right. 
Senator: _We senators are not going to allow every citizen to carry weapons. They will stop fearing us. 
Athena: _That's what I want. What is your decision Senators?
Senator: _A permanent militia is a danger for all of us, specially politics. We are not going to second your proposition. Get out of here because we have serious issues to discuss and even more to vote. Would you like to talk about the sanitarian condition of the Temple and the poverty areas of Athens? I believe not.
Athena: _That's what I was afraid of. I desire a Republic where people are free. When I talk about liberty, it's fear what is more relevant. The people cannot live fearing thugs and soldiers. If we did not give them a chance to defend themselves, we are making them totally dependent on us. Depending on the will of a group of salaried Soldiers. Soldiers also have personal interests which compromises the Republic. We shall give responsibility for our civilians, not encage. Think for a second in a prepared army, no matter if it is trained and huge as the Spartan. They will think twice on invading us. Because they will be sure every civilian has a weapon and know how to shoot: the very first symbol of this people is that they aren't submissive. They are not under tyrannical rulers wish. They will try for centuries to invade the Republic, with or without a trained and mercenary army to defend our Country. Remember, we are paying them. They are not working because they love republic. They also should find another work. Being only a professional soldier, as Spartan military thought, does not work. Let's give them respect and responsibility.
Senator: _It's not going to happen. We are not going to undone democracy in the name of your trivial dream. We heard you respectfully, but there's nothing we can do. We now ask you too leave the temple or stay in silence, because we have a lot of things to discuss and I believe they are neither of your concern nor of your interest. The people choose us as their leaders. They don't need to be here, we don't need to give them weapons, so they will shoot us during the night because we erase taxes or inflation matters. 
Athena: _So be it. Soldiers! Give them a closest path to Hades. 

The militia soldiers enter the temple and shoot every political man inside it. They tried to run, tried to hide. All in vain. Athena puts its white selling cloth and cover the green eyes. 

Athena: _There is no turning back. To give people the freedom they want and deserve, we must wash the road with blood of tyrants. They will not give up of their lust, their money, much less their power. We must take it off, and if they resist, we take their lives. Soldier: execute their families immediately. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Sir, may I ask you something? The kids....there are too many children. They are not responsible on their parents corruption. Let's save the children and educate them on this new Republic.
Athena: _Execute them all. If the children survive they will carry on the titles, the honor and when they grow up, they will call for their natural power and have a lot of reasons for a vengeance. You are right, the children are innocent, but like I said, if this a revolution, don't look back. I perfectly understand that you might have children on your own, and must be terrible for a father imagine such a thing. I don't want this. But it must be done, and it must be done swift and clear. We must finish the blood lineage. No torture, no games, we would never play with the dignity of these families. Clean death to anyone. Now, if you are not up for the task, I will order another soldier. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Sir..It's just...
Athena: _Look what you just did. You took so many lives and don't feel bad? Do not start letting your spirit opened to the fury of Erinyes. Please, or I will have to jail you until you recover consciousness. Why are you following my orders?
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Because I wanted so sir. I have faith in a Republic we will not depend on the will of few. The Democracy we are dreaming cannot be conquered voting. I believe we can balance this exploitation, this eagle which comes to suck the body of our people, drain their souls one drop at a time. 
Athena: _So quit these second guesses and do it. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Yes sir. It will be done sir. 

Clarissa Lake - Agora or a Brave woman named Switzerland. In: It is harder to dominate rebels. 

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Respect (Draft)

First I would like to manifest my respectful condolence to the families of the victims.

When I first found Pandora's Box inside a trash can, I got surprised. What kind of crazy people write things like this? I got even more shocked when I found out the Greeks were writing things like this thousands of years ago.
The theater was not only entertainment. The plays used to begin in the morning and finish at the evening. The singing of the goat. Tragedy is a form to cause terror and pity. Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe the feeling of fear and hollowness is one part of the tragedy. 
Tragedy it's beautiful because make us feel horrible things, then, when we awake of the dream of the play, we return better. Tragedy had a fundamental thought based on education. People in London would never raise their children with Aeschylus or Homer.
That's not my point. Tragedy is a light rainbow to set us free this penetrated and obvious reality. Reality is a stage where things do not come to be easy. But there is also terror. I am talking about the sad thing which happened in Santa Barbara a few weeks ago. 
The guy who killed those people thought being a victim of a horrible destiny. Victim. That's how he felt. Victim. And what about responsibility? According to him, the social world was punishing him, because he was not "fit" to the pattern. That's what we do. We punish those who does not follow the social role, until the person fits on it. It begins with the parents telling the children what not to do, then comes the high school, educating according to government pattern to deny children a free mind. No, let's discipline them according to our rules, because if they learn to follow and accept language and mathematical rules they will not become monsters. Where does come from the ethics of civilians? Not from family, not from school: the ethic of industry. Let's behave with our family and friends as we do when we are working, it's more safe live like that. Which means we don't really need to respect everybody else, just have good manners, let's just do the ceremony and forgot the purpose of it.
That's not what I see. High school is just a preparation for the market. People are studying because they need jobs, not ethics neither sensibility. When the children of denying goes to the job they are perfectly fitted. They should be molded, after all they are simply the entire life learning how to follow rules and pretend to be kind. But what people really are, nobody wants to be aware of. 
Victim. I don't believe that. He wanted to be like others, he wanted to experience what is have a lot of girls, like this is a good thing. But it's a pattern of our social role: people are always fucking each other. It's curious he was not so clever. Not indeed. If he is the victim, why he envies them? What he did was a cold vengeance. Because he never had a a beating heart, he never loved nothing in this world, besides himself, his cold and hollow heart, empty of reason and poetry made him a cold killer. Yes, I believe this guy had not sensibility at all. He was raised by television and bad literature. Means that he felt hurt for the world, society, whatever. He felt wrong. In the mind of a broken people, what he did is right. Is a way of justice. Of course he was planning to do for such a long time. He wanted to be noticed no matter how. He wanted to feel like the guy all girls stop to talk and adore, like the famous football player. He was not a victim of anything besides his cold heart and tiny brain. Fame. Pride. Glory. Our blind seek for these things lead us where? In the battlefield of everyday. 
He said: "All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me," he wrote in the document, titled "My Twisted World."
All because the females of the "human species" were incapable of seeing the value in me". Value. He wanted to be rich, so he would have a lot of girls sucking his little cock to appreciate his "value".Only the desire for power and money drove his mind out. Keep seeking this victory and see where you will fall.  He suffered because he wanted to be like everybody else. "He was trying to fit". Guilty conscience. Why nobody ever realizes when there is a psycho killer around? Why they doubt of people's stupidity? I cannot realize I'm single human being, so I don't have to be like anybody else besides me, no, no, all I can see is that I should follow this horrible pattern of behavior. The paradox is that this subject despises those who treats him like object, but he wants to be on the top of status quo to cause damage on others. The monsters he uses to fear is that what he want to become: he want to punish people for not being fitted, as they did to him, and this is fair and just inside his mind. As he only had a little cock, and I believe many guys go crazy because of this, and he want everyone to notice his value. He can mind a monster punishing others like you never seen. Do you see the fragile head of a victim? We didn't chose to be here, however, we are not even victim nor guilty, for God's sake. 
Victim. I don't buy it. I control my own life so I am responsible for everything I do, not victim. So, let me get this situation once more, I am stupid and coward and others have to pay for it, because I am victim, which obviously means that others are guilty. I bet he had a poor little culture. He was educated, of course, but it doesn't mean culture. Schools are raised to form mechanics and technicians, not humanists. We should take care of those who are always complaining about how they are victim of an unfair and disproportional world. It's happening again and again, everywhere. Every year we have this gift of news, bringing the terror of our planet. The problem of  a monster is that he only cares about himself. This is why he murder people, this total lack of poetry and good reason. This is not a tragedy. There isn't a drop of beauty on what he did. Only crazy people like him enjoys such event. There are a lot of them. Feeling tortured by guilty and hating their parents. Adults hating parents it's a serious thing. But let's watch another new and forget this subject. Always apologizing for little things....
I had put some chapters of Kalon Kakon under vigilance. I censure a lot of things, as the episode of Medusa. In this particular chapter, Medusa is rapped for Poseidon in front of Athena, which does nothing. Medusa was a beautiful woman, but she turns into a monsters with snakes instead a long hair. Medusa was a victim as well. Victim of her own irresponsibility. Athena told her several times, not to bath close the sea, Poseidon was raising a deep passion and desire for the priest. When Athena questioned Medusa, she lied in first place. She told Athena: "I love you my True Goddess, I bow my whole life to serve you, I would never batch naked closed the sea". She lied to Athena, because she had a dream where Poseidon was inside her, and the idea of having an affair with a God make her wake up wet. Medusa told her parents that they would be rich and glorious forever, that she had found the one true love. After the dream, Medusa began to bath naked in the sea, in a clear attempt to provoke Poseidon. She was young, virgin and malicious. She was on the bank rivers laughing to herself, because she knew the God will not resist for too long. 
One day Medusa is alone is the temple of Athena. She is making her works when Poseidon appears. She goes running to him, take off his clothes and started to go wild with him. Athena came into the temple and Medusa got embarrassed, and pushed Poseidon away: "You should not come here. Athena help me, he is trying to take me by force. I was trying to resist when you came, please Athena, he did not brake my dignity. Go away you monster, you desecrated the temple of Pallas Athena". Athena is serious and does not reply. Athena just pass away, and have a seat and a couple of wine. Poseidon which was starring the Goddess, waiting for her fury, saw none. Then Poseidon approaches Medusa: "I didn't finish with you. Not yet". 
Medusa was already dressed and slap the face of Poseidon. He responds with the same gesture, and she looks to Athena for the first time. "Athena, you gotta help me! I beg you, save me from this evil". Athena does not move the green eyes. 
Medusa tries to beat Poseidon and run away, but the God got her by the feet, then tearing the dress away, with anger. She kicks but Poseidon grabs her feet, her thighs, belly, arms, hair. He takes the hair by violence, she is crying by now, starring Athena crying and with a perplex semblant. Medusa is feeling wronged. She screams, complain, but Poseidon got her and posses her body for a long time while she whipped. I censored this scene because it was made in the pattern of the motion picture of Gaspar Noé, "Irréversible of 2002. I know rape it's a classical theme of literature but I didn't like this one leitmotiv. 
Medusa stood alone in the cold floor of the temple, still crying and bleeding. Athena decides to leave the temple and step by step reaches the harmed body. Athena does not say a word. Then Medusa curses Athena: "I HATE YOU, FROM THE DEEPS OF HADES I WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU! You let him did this to me. You allowed him to hurt one of your own! You are evil! The reader without social responsibility will support Medusa. Athena could not save her from her choices. Athena didn't tell her to provoke the anger of a God. It was a horrible scene and I cut it off. 
Athena leaves the temple and Medusa start to punish herself so hard that her face changes and the hair becomes vicious serpents. Everything she looks becomes stone. This is part of the story of Medusa. A victim. What is the relation among victim and monster? 
I believe the author of Pandora's Box and Kalon Kalon is not apologizing violence. I also believe people who had sensibility for art are not murderers. Readers of tragedy might experience everything, they don't need to feel those things in real life. Most of people are producing knowledge because they need a job. What will define if you are a good researcher is how many articles do you publish per year? How many books have you wrote in the past decade? The world needs lawyers, engineers, physicians, physics, language teachers, teachers. Not thinkers. They all have a function in society. Somewhere there must exist someone which is not being paid on producing knowledge. Someone which produces thinking because it wants to. There must be someone criticizing the whole ideal world we live.Because if it's ideal, only exists inside our minds. Most of them are working and being paid to be conformed with the situation. A world in crisis raise thinkers, not mechanics. 
There are thousands of mechanics, people with savoir-faire, ready to contribute for a better world. When people use to think? It's easier to think with the Hydra head of the media and the role of society. Let's all pretend it's a farce, but we do not stand the consequences. It's very easy to think inside a box. What about out of it? 
If nobody is criticizing society, this is barbarism. I wanna feel special because I have a job, my family, my car, pay my taxes and have no social responsibility. I just need to care of myself, and that's is hard for many people. People are always paying the price for their vanity. Okay, you will have a fat salary, a wealth life, but you'll never be happy, and you will never wonder why. Because if you lose the square who protects you, you fall in madness and never come back. 
To think shocks people. The taboo is so strong that becomes unbreakable: there are some things I will never think about it, because I don't know where this "thinking" will take me too, besides I am very scared to comprehend myself" They never think on their own, always following rules and patterns, when they decide to do something, they hurt themselves and, unfortunately, others. Violence is accept the world the way it is. Yesterday, today or tomorrow. Those who accept the world the way it is are not victims. What kind of poetry did you do to make a world a colorful place? 
People believe being morons means happiness. The escape of all responsibilities. I don't need to care about poverty, wars, crazy guys shooting innocents because he's sad and lonely, nuclear weapons, what I really care is how many girls I will fuck this weak, my cell phone is not so good, I need a new car and a brand pair of shoes and new conceptions of art. It's very easy to live in a world without responsibility, and the world of profit give the people this opportunity to be fools. I have a job, I am honest person, I depend on nobody, I owe no satisfaction, this is private property, this is my profit and this is my hole when I die. Poetry is a waste of time. There are no poetry in the things you say. I don't see poetry in news, science or in our ordinary lives. God, deliver me from clever art! Artists contribute in a large way for violence. Because they do nothing. They have access of  dozens, hundreds, millions of minds in some cases, but the artists only want to sell their job. "Buy my job and my ideas". Artists could be the first irresponsible in society, if they don't care about the world they live: No, I care about form, space, shape, light, shadow, ink, perspective, non perspective. Art should never be a dream where people get inside to forget reality. Art could be a way to emancipate civilians and give them autonomy. But I don't want autonomy, it gives me a lot of responsibilities my art could not sustain. So I really prefer being an automaton. Art should set people out of darkness, not lock them inside another organized way of thinking. There is a square named art, and only the elected by God shall understand it. Millions of people, since the world began never heard, never understood what is this art. There was no thing as Renaissance. The great majority of people of middle ages never heard about Ticiano or Da Vinci. And even those millions who have knowledge over these famous artists, have no idea about what they did so special to make people forget the violence of their epoch. Injustice, cruelty and constant fear are the key to enter the middle ages. If you have no responsibility on the world you live, you are no actor, no farmer, no banker, no lawyer, no football player, no artist, you are just somebody else. How to feel proud of your thinking in a world millions never think? What I'm saying is that millions of people may die in hunger and lonely, but my Mona Lisa has nothing to do with it. Let the people die, they are not subjects of history, they don't belong here. It's more important for us to keep the Louvre Museum than humans lives. Outside the house of the muses, people are still hating each other, because this is the way the world wants to. The world does not want us to love each other, we are built to be automatons and see the other as a potential danger, the unknown or, what is more capitalist, rival. The world does not want to think, we were not raised to think as we want, we are raised to think as they want, because it will sustain everything that is evil around us. No question, no problems, only the melody of the song and the line of the canvas. 
Because if we decide to think, we should start to care of our own, and that's what nobody wants. Blame somebody else, not me. I have my work but I am not responsible for my life. God is. The State is. My mother is. What people are out of the church, the college and work? There are millions of people doing the same today, and there will be billions of them in a few decades to come. Think is not a good thing, because it might change your preconceptions, your traditions, your moral and ethics. Your sexual orientation. You could stop being a pig sexist and start to respect women... Society does not need to think, only to produce. But without those thinkers, we are doomed since the beginning. 
I am not a victim. I am the subject of my own actions, not object. (I think we are not objects from History) I live the way I want, I made my choices. I cannot be victim of my choices, instead, I am responsible for what I do, for the good and for the evil. But I cannot stand brainless guys blaming us females for their stupidity. Not everybody needs a life of unlimited sex, as is the only thing that matters. He sees women as objects, not subjects. Because if he could wonder a woman has its own desires, wishes and matters, he would picture they are not responsible for what he is. And he is what he is. Do not blame the parents, I doubt any reasonable mother would teach wrong things to its son. The high school? They practiced bullying on him, and this explains why he did what he did, does not justify, but explain. There is not explanation for madness! The world is violent by all means. Violence is always present but she is mute.This is how I read Kalon Kakon. But some of them are inglorious victims of fate. Victims of cruel females. When I criticize the passion of Romanticism and how it's dominant in our world, people say I'm extremist. Romanticism is a vicious, it preaches the capitalist essence of ego. My ego suffers for love and this is what matters! Everything else is bullshit, politics, violence, religion, oppression, somebody else values, moral and tradition means none in the face of my one true love. What kind of love make peoples slaves? My ego is tortured against my will, because I love. How love make people stupid? Is it really love? The worship of feelings is a disease. The Tragedy shows very clear passions leads humanity to pain and sorrow. If Achilles did not lose his mind, he could be alive. But he had a strong passion for its cousin, which makes him thirsty for blood: "Sing, Oh Muse, the Madness of brave Achilles". Romanticism is the material shape of vice cast by individualism. I'm not saying Homer was romanticist. 
When they will realize it's not about passion. It's about being objective in life. A reign of emotions uses to cause things like this. Reason is not only an ability to add 2 plus 2 equals four. Reason is what gives us self respect and intelligence to respect others. Because that's all what we should do to live in a better world. It's neither a fantasy, nor love, it's respect, responsibility, care and knowledge, first knowledge of the cruel world we live, than knowledge over ourselves. Without knowledge we will never wonder why others are so strange for us, and we will never respect them. Respect is not a simple thing. Not a simple world. The world of profits uses to confuse good manners with respect.  Without it, we are beasts as Medusa, Anger as Achilles, crying as a baby child in the beach because life is not the way his ego wants. Without it we are just like Hera and the ferocious jealous, or even Medea, who murdered her own sons, with no sense of civil responsibility. Keep beating the head on the rock until it bleeds, because that's the way the fools do. 
Miss Lake repudiates this world built by violence and romantic thought. Artistic thoughts which make the people forget even more reality and get into dreams. Repudiates people who felt victims of everything besides themselves. It's not our problem, it's not me, I don't know. I don't care. I just care for my personal life and so long. 

Clarissa Lake