Thursday 12 June 2014


English is today what Latin was a long time ago: the language of poetic and science. The high language. When I was saying about the Eagle of Roman Empire it could be also, for extension of meaning, be the Latin language. 
When some author wishes to impress the reader, until nowadays he still uses some Latin sentences. Then comes the French, with the liberal thought and model of rational society which all of us in Western are heirs. Dostoievsky let very clear the influence of French language on Russia's high-class level. French is still a very powerful language around the world, but it had lost his throne for English. 
English is the modern fire. Languages created in laboratory are fated to doom. English is not only ink on the paper, there are a history of thousands of people who lived and let their spirit over and beyond the language.
It's not only a language for business and diplomacy. The diplomatic language of "How are you", "Thank you", and lots of others sentences made for brief and polite communications. 
English is not only the sound and the shape of the sentences which comes from the mouth of speakers. English is the culture of people who speak it. Is a language which the person we love most have taught us: our mother. English comes when we are just children, as much as milk, unconditional care and love. 
Languages raised in laboratories do not have this element of love. They are stepmothers. They do not use to give milk or teach us the language which will form what we are when we grow. People learn English around the world to make business and speak the language of the books, not the language anyone speaks on their respective lands. 
A mother tongue carries more than history and love. It is the registry of what we are. We express who we are thought language. That is the poetry. Needless to cite names of English literature. It has a weigh no one in the world could deny. What a laboratory language, made only for brief communications have in terms of history and poetry? Which poetry is made without love? 
The great majority of scientific and academic articles and reviews are in English. English is the fire of our age. Watch movies for example. Two movies in German, one in French and hundred fifty-five in English. 
English is the dollar of languages. It makes easier our communication around the world. However this is a very wide way of using this rich language, beyond our imagination. English is not a "easy" language, as German or Portuguese were "harder". There is no such thing. If you believe English is easy, you better hurry up catch some books and restart your studies. I am meaning. Read scientific articles and newspaper in English does not assure that you are fluent on our plural culture and our profound poetry. Of course read George Martin is easy, because he is a writer of soap-operas, it is his job write easy in a way you would certainly understand. Try Edgar Allan Poe. Try William Blake. Try T. S Elliot. Or even Jane Austen.
If you are happy because you are fluently speaker, try to wonder in which variation of English you are fluent. From Brooklyn, New York? From London? Ireland? Australia? George Martin variation? People get proficient in English, but which variant? The cult one? Cult on which state of which country? Are you not assuming there is a hegemonic language around the world, as this laboratory language, which I despise so much I can not spell. But it has something to do with "hope". And I believe hope is the worst evil on the planet. Keep humans locked in a trap. Also I believe we don't need faith in the future, we have to work today and with focus. Because tomorrow only belongs to God. Hope is also a sin but I cannot enter this subject right now. 
I wonder if these language schools teaches literature and culture. I doubt. A language is nothing without its spirit which is the real culture that carries the meaning of the language. Laboratory English is very easy, but I wonder if I gave them Milton or Shakespeare for read and explain, I have my doubts they are up to. 
English is a living thing. Out of people who speaks these laboratory language, where is it? Inside somebody's heart? No, it's on a library, it's only inside a book. What I am saying is that laboratory language is only rational. The human and the essence of passion which makes us humans, does not belong on a laboratory language. Does never exist a loving mother giving you that.
English will survive three hundred, five hundred years and even more. What would happen with laboratory language? It will disappear when people lose the fashion for it. It is just fashion and efficient in a low level of operation. But English is the real fire. And I stole it. 

Clarissa Lake - Stealing the fire

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