Friday 6 June 2014

Pallas Athena

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Bill of Rights - Second Amendment - United States of America, 1789 

For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised. - Chapter XIV

Machiavelli - The Prince

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. 

Thomas Jefferson - Letter to W. S Smith. November 13, 1787

(Dike, Themis, Athena and Athenian civilians)

Dike: _Order! Order!
Athenian Citizen: _I want you to arrest those three soldiers over there, they are still smiling.
Pallas: _Tell me Athenian Citizen, tell everybody here what happened.
Athenian Citizen: _Yes my lady, now that you asked me to do. Listen to me and to my friends, and those that I never met, for the glory of the Thunder's Lord: I was making my art in the downtown when these three guards came and did command a inspection on my body. I feel shame to tell you this, but I could not accept guards taking my body, so I respectfully questioned them: Who gave you this order? That bigger one laughed hiss ass off and said: Nobody. We do what we want. We find you suspicious, so it's our duty to see what you have beneath these clothes and take you for a preliminary inquest. 
Pallas: _Is it true Athenian Soldier?
Athenian Soldier: _Yes my lady, it is. This man is completely mad. He is just an artist, he doesn't have a family, he's not at the gym making physical exercises to up his spirit, no my lady, he keeps doing sculptures, saying poems and not paying taxes. 
Athenian Citizen: _Shall I continue? 
Pallas: _Please. 
Athenian Citizen: _Oh the Cloud-gatherer be blessed for his power and his daughter. I am very grateful for this chance to speak, because this soldiers tried to shut me up. Well, I told them: As a free citizen of the Republic, I see you are not following superiors orders, neither protecting myself. You bring fear and force in the name of the Republic. For the sacred laws which sustain our Republic, I declare right now, as ours countrymen as witnesses, that you are under arrest. This is when they start laughing so hard, like children or crazy people, they can not even hide their faces, because they are sure the Republic will defend them, after all, they are paid for the Republic.
Pallas: _Soldiers? Got something to add? 
Athenian Soldier: _I am telling you he is crazy my lady. 
Pallas: _Why? Are you a physician?
Athenian Soldier: _No milady, I am just a Soldier.
Pallas: _What is the duty of a Soldier?
Athenian Soldier: _Protect the laws and the people.
Pallas: _"Protect the laws and the people". Isn't too much contradictory? Why did you laugh when the Athenian Citizen told that you all were under arrest?
Athenian Soldier: _Because he is a tramp. Nobody gave him the power to make us the villains and he the hero.
Pallas: _Our subject is not villainy. Just one final question, tell me Soldier, what do you think we should do?
Athenian Soldier: _Whip this artist and oblige him to work. He's out of his mind, let's give him a job and some punishment for he dares to think he has more power than a soldier of the Republic.  
Pallas: _Soldiers. Leave your weapons. You are under arrest. You'll have a lot of time to laugh now.
Athenian Soldier: _What? 
Pallas: _One more question and I will order to shoot you. Get out of Temple while you still can. 

Senator: _My lady, this is not wise! 
Athena: _I am not asking for your advice. 
Senator: _We senators are here in majority, in the name of The State, we demand to know what this is all about. Do you have something to say, this is the place Athena. Tell us Senators here at Agora, in broad day light, what is your intention?
Athena: _Finish the army. End the police. 
Senator: _And how could we defend our Republic from external and internal menaces? 
Athena: _Everyone in the Republic will be a soldier. When they got proper age, learn how to shoot and receive a weapon, given by Republic itself. Every patriot should learn how to shoot and carry on his gun.
Senator: _Athena! Athena! Where have you been? What you are saying is impossible. It compromises the political content of the Republic. If you give them weapons, they will surely turn against us. 
Athena: _As they right. 
Senator: _We senators are not going to allow every citizen to carry weapons. They will stop fearing us. 
Athena: _That's what I want. What is your decision Senators?
Senator: _A permanent militia is a danger for all of us, specially politics. We are not going to second your proposition. Get out of here because we have serious issues to discuss and even more to vote. Would you like to talk about the sanitarian condition of the Temple and the poverty areas of Athens? I believe not.
Athena: _That's what I was afraid of. I desire a Republic where people are free. When I talk about liberty, it's fear what is more relevant. The people cannot live fearing thugs and soldiers. If we did not give them a chance to defend themselves, we are making them totally dependent on us. Depending on the will of a group of salaried Soldiers. Soldiers also have personal interests which compromises the Republic. We shall give responsibility for our civilians, not encage. Think for a second in a prepared army, no matter if it is trained and huge as the Spartan. They will think twice on invading us. Because they will be sure every civilian has a weapon and know how to shoot: the very first symbol of this people is that they aren't submissive. They are not under tyrannical rulers wish. They will try for centuries to invade the Republic, with or without a trained and mercenary army to defend our Country. Remember, we are paying them. They are not working because they love republic. They also should find another work. Being only a professional soldier, as Spartan military thought, does not work. Let's give them respect and responsibility.
Senator: _It's not going to happen. We are not going to undone democracy in the name of your trivial dream. We heard you respectfully, but there's nothing we can do. We now ask you too leave the temple or stay in silence, because we have a lot of things to discuss and I believe they are neither of your concern nor of your interest. The people choose us as their leaders. They don't need to be here, we don't need to give them weapons, so they will shoot us during the night because we erase taxes or inflation matters. 
Athena: _So be it. Soldiers! Give them a closest path to Hades. 

The militia soldiers enter the temple and shoot every political man inside it. They tried to run, tried to hide. All in vain. Athena puts its white selling cloth and cover the green eyes. 

Athena: _There is no turning back. To give people the freedom they want and deserve, we must wash the road with blood of tyrants. They will not give up of their lust, their money, much less their power. We must take it off, and if they resist, we take their lives. Soldier: execute their families immediately. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Sir, may I ask you something? The kids....there are too many children. They are not responsible on their parents corruption. Let's save the children and educate them on this new Republic.
Athena: _Execute them all. If the children survive they will carry on the titles, the honor and when they grow up, they will call for their natural power and have a lot of reasons for a vengeance. You are right, the children are innocent, but like I said, if this a revolution, don't look back. I perfectly understand that you might have children on your own, and must be terrible for a father imagine such a thing. I don't want this. But it must be done, and it must be done swift and clear. We must finish the blood lineage. No torture, no games, we would never play with the dignity of these families. Clean death to anyone. Now, if you are not up for the task, I will order another soldier. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Sir..It's just...
Athena: _Look what you just did. You took so many lives and don't feel bad? Do not start letting your spirit opened to the fury of Erinyes. Please, or I will have to jail you until you recover consciousness. Why are you following my orders?
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Because I wanted so sir. I have faith in a Republic we will not depend on the will of few. The Democracy we are dreaming cannot be conquered voting. I believe we can balance this exploitation, this eagle which comes to suck the body of our people, drain their souls one drop at a time. 
Athena: _So quit these second guesses and do it. 
Athenian Militia Soldier: _Yes sir. It will be done sir. 

Clarissa Lake - Agora or a Brave woman named Switzerland. In: It is harder to dominate rebels. 

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