Wednesday 7 May 2014

Aegean Sea

The only historian capable of fanning the spark of hope in the past is the one who is firmly convinced that even the dead will not be safe from the enemy if he is victorious.

Walter Benjamin - On the Concept of History

Aegean Sea 

The guards have brought everything. The urn. Wine. A hundred bulls. While I was reading some poems, the guards did set up the wooden structure. The acolytes and Priests finally got out of the Temple to breath some fresh air. I also had brought shoes, vests, dresses and her most precious jewelry. Including a rare item, such a book, that I was reading. This book is one treasure I could not let go with you to the River. 
Let it stay here, it will be your gift for your mortal beloveds. The Priests are preparing the body since we got here. She will finally find peace. Her body is making me dizzy and sick. I did puke three times this morning. But the rite proceeds while I read these poems. 
A Funeral Pire is set. Now she might go in Peace. I go up there. Calm. But I wasn't really there. She came to me into a dream: "Please, you must do the proper rites. I am still here!". I put the coin on her mouth. I hope she has a good travel. All the stuff are here. I look everything. Even her head, which was not with the corpse. It took several days to find and it's not in a good shape. Rest my friend, we will see each other again. I look the coin one more time. I wanted to take it back, undo this situation. I wait. 
I am happy. She is going to a better place, a place when she is no longer what she was, but she is what she is. It's a great honor to die. I honor you my friend in life and in the next life. 
Charon will carry you by the River. I look to the guard. He gives the order to another. The soldier climbs the latter with a torch in his hand. I take the torch and order him swinging my head. I look to her one more time. I don't wanna look as a coward. I need to be proud of this woman. So I leave the torch burn away and I stand down there, while everybody was gone, even the priests, the beach was cold in the morning and I was alone. I was not cold, but I could feel the air was strong. 
I take the Urn and gather the ashes inside it. You may live a wonderful life dear friend. Because I am not.  I will find out who did this to you. You have my word. 

Clarissa Lake - Funeral Rite. 

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