Friday 30 May 2014

Temptation and The Antichrist

In The Wilderness. A man is fasting forty days and forty nights. He is thirsty, starving, dry as the sands of the desert. Then, a strange thing appears to him:

Lucy Ferdinand: _Look who's here! What a pity. What a pity. C'mon brother, give your hand, and let me help you. How terrible is Our Father. But some people say you may also be a fake. Instead you're fasting for much longer, it's admirable. Even so, you could have a strong faith as I saw two or three times, since the world begun. You are starving brother. Command these stones to become bread!
The Son of God: _Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Lucy Ferdinand: _Applause! Come up with me, let's take a fly. Let's stay here on the highest point of the temple. You're nothing but a bastard. Your mother was a whore, you cannot accept that your mother was rapped, that Joseph is not your father. But a very good man I say. Very good one. Throw yourself down because it's written that Our Father will command his angels to save you. C'mon, you gotta prove that you're anything more than a bastard. 
The Son of God: _Do not put the Lord your God to the test!
Lucy Ferdinand: _He is testing you right now. C'mon brother, let me show the future to come. Take a look at this. Gold. Silver. Whores. Pride. Take a long look at this treasure. This is what they care about. Not you. You are just a poor crazy guy, talking too much, and they will shut your mouth. He loves you so much that you will die as a pig in a cross. You will have endless suffer here brother, because this is not your place. This is my home, my rules. Bend on your knees just one time, and I will give the Roman Empire, the Lands Across the Sea, the Great Whore of Babylon and together we might stop the madness of our Father. Take a look at these coins. Pure gold. 
The Son of God: _Stay away from me Satan! 
Lucy Ferdinand: _It's your choice, I really believe you're a fool. But your Father will give your endless pain and shame, and he'll do nothing to relief your pain. You will suffer the worst pain of all, staying hours with thirsty, you will wish death to come quickly, but she won't come. Be certain of the love of our Father. Even Joseph, your step father, will not concern over your sorrows. You talk too much and you will pay for that. They will hate you brother, spit on your face, toss stones into your body, whip you like a horse. We have our laws here, what our Father say it's beautiful for a fairy tale. Here is struggle, vanish, everything that was solid, break it and becomes air. Look this dime. Look the face of the man. This is the only true god here. There is no one else. I am so sorry about you brother. I am here for you, a beautiful woman, naked, ready to give you  my breast and my heat. You enjoy this suffering. You were born as a slave and you will die as a slave. You pig. 
Come with me, pass through the chaos of the centuries. Do you see? Only blood shed, fear and destruction. Yes, they will build a stone in your name to raise another type of Empire. An Empire which claims adore you and the things you said. You will die for nothing you fool, people will love you because they are scared of our father, but what they will truly love and give their souls for it, it's a couple of dimes. The Science is the progress I gave them, the industry to explore one another to make profit. The savoir-faire to produce art, see everything Son of God, right here is where people will start to have a strong faith in science, as a a new savior  of humankind, and solver of whole problems, so science will lead world to peace and progress. 
Right here, I will make the prophecy becomes fact. The Antichrist shall come and he'll not be naive, he'll not be stupid. He will defy all religions. I will finally convince them about the possibility of talking to spirits. It will be a science and a philosophy. In order to proof the power of the Antichrist, a few decades later, you will watch how science might be used for destruction. Millions of dead, yes Son of God, pay attention the level this world will reach. This is just the beginning. Yes, of course if it is a science and a philosophy, as I designed to be, it can be questioned. But the followers of the Antichrist will never question. I create wonderful fairy tales, as Dante had invented several levels for Hell, I just invented other crap situation. By making a stupid french guy of a puppet, I made him write a lot of books which I let very clear about the science of talking to the dead. For me it's very easy to do it, they are all with me, until the Final Day. So I can imitate all of them. Mothers, brothers, friends, they believe they might go to a place which is not hell. They wanted to believe it since the world began. I gave them such ephemeral pleasure. See how it works so good in the ultimate centuries: it's the perfect religion I created. I am proving that you existed! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Yes, they will become so cynic and blind for lust and money they will be need material proof that existence of the Reign of God. I gave them. Sure I am aware of the old laws. They all say we should not talk to spirits. And with one single action, I will offend every other religion on the planet. "The religion of the religions". The Sorceress taught me this one art. I am not sure if I am too smart or if they are too stupid. Remember, when they finally believe the Devil does not exist, is when my turn begins. Stay alone you fool!

Clarissa Lake - Temptations/Antichrist - Chapter extracted of the ancient "Pandora's Box", Pages 99-104.

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