Tuesday 20 May 2014


(Artemis, Prometheus)

Throat Forest

Diana is aiming Prometheus. She has a wooden bow and silver arrows. 

Prometheus: _You're not gonna do it. 
Artemis: _...
Prometheus: _If you are aiming you better shoot. Or your arm could get tired. 
Artemis: _What are you doing here?
Prometheus: _Seeking a young oracle. 
Artemis: _Turn around and go away. 
Prometheus: _I would. But my legs are a little bit strange today, they cannot obey. It's strange. I will pass Diana. 
Artemis: _Don't make me kill you.  
Prometheus: _You just want to play a scene and feel yourself important. 
Artemis: _Do not call me Diana. That's close enough. One more step...
Prometheus: _.... !
Artemis: _Did you saw me naked? 
Prometheus: _Yes, sure I did. 
Artemis: _Do you know the penalty for this crime?
Prometheus: _A long night of loving? 
Artemis: _It's death. You shouldn't saw me. 
Prometheus: _Why don't you go fuck yourself little princess? What about it? You cannot hurt me because Adonis kicked your ass. Do not tremble or you may release that arrow. 
Artemis: _...

Artemis relax the bow.

Prometheus: _It hurts doesn't it?
Artemis: _What?
Prometheus: _Love. 
Artemis: _I shouldn't love a human being. 
Prometheus: _Do not blame yourself for your feelings. 
Artemis: _How couldn't I Prometheus? How...
Prometheus: _You cannot detest all roses because one of them has pierced you. 
Artemis: _Very old dictate. What is it? Little prince? 
Prometheus: _I brought something for you. 

A scream is heard miles away. A freak scream of a bird of prey. The air got heavy and the temperature higher while the giant bird comes flying, and singing the way that kind of birds should sing. The melody enters to everyone's veins and then they see it. A burning giant bird, covering the very sky with his wings. 

Artemis: _My eyes! Too much light. For the Gods! She is bigger than the temple. How did she grow that much?
Prometheus: _She died many times. Every time she dies, she returns from the own ashes, and she returns bigger and stronger. 
Artemis: _She is beautiful. And hot. I can feel the energy from here. 
Prometheus: _A piece of the sun. 
Artemis: _Tell me my friend, Adonis will ever care for me? Is he thinking about me as I think about him? 
Prometheus: _Adonis is a fool. Fools do not think. 
Artemis: _Funny. 
Prometheus: _May I go to the temple?
Artemis: _There is no one in the temple. Go there and see for yourself. 
Prometheus: _What happened Diana?
Artemis: _I don't care about what happened. I decided not to care for this world. Fuck the forest. Fuck the animals. Fuck everything. I don't need to care about this hole. 
Prometheus: _They are dead!
Artemis: _Acolytes, Priests, all of them. 
Prometheus: _Who did it?
Artemis: _Why do you care?
Prometheus: _I am meaning Diana! I will take care of those who did it.
Artemis: _No, you won't. It was Athena, my dear.
Prometheus: _Athena could never do such a thing! You are out of your mind Diana!
Artemis: _Go there and see it. There are still some judges corded. 
Prometheus: _That's impossible!
Artemis: _No. She loves you, that's impossible for her. She did it not for justice, she did it for love. 
Prometheus: _What are you saying?
Artemis: _People of the city had the belief you were kept safe inside the temple, and Athena was using soldiers to guard you. Even the judges begged to Athena, to give you boy. They were all thinking it was you inside the temple. But the cursed sisters always disgust us. Athena was taking another prisoner for trial. The point is, when the people broke into the temple and menace Athena, and tried to strike her. She ordered soldiers to fire. 
Prometheus: _She's not wrong, and she didn't for love. She is right. It doesn't matter what this prisoner did, he deserves to live as much as I and you and everybody. If Athena had given the wrong guy to the crowd, the would devour it anyway. Because most of people never saw me. They don't even wonder how my face is. They just wanted to kill someone to feel justice inside. Athena could not allow it. 
Artemis: _Athena is wrong not because she's defending the human's laws, but because she betrayal the Olympus. She must keep safe the law of the gods. 
Prometheus: _The Gods have no law. Without Athena here Gods will never stop cheating humankind. Let the gods with the Anarchy of Olympus and let the City of Athens keeps its Republic. 
Artemis: _This Republic wants your head.
Prometheus: _...
Artemis: _What did you do Prometheus? 
Prometheus: _I can't tell you.
Artemis: _Why not?
Prometheus: _It's unkind. 
Artemis: _Please, you gotta tell me. 
Prometheus: _I was stealing the wealth of city of Athens. They consider me a miasma, and they want to eliminate me. That's not everything. In a better chance I will tell you what happened.
Artemis: _It's forbidden for you to be here. You should go away. Thank you for bringing the Phoenix. 
Prometheus: _If I get Adonis back to you, would you help me?
Artemis: _What? 
Prometheus: _I can talk to him.
Artemis: _No way. Go. 
Prometheus: _I will bring him to you. What do you say? Maybe you could talk.
Artemis: _I know where he is. 
Prometheus: _No, you don't. You don't cheat Prometheus.

The most beautiful man this world has ever seem comes from the back of a tree. 

Adonis: _Artemis...I am sorry.
Artemis: _Take him out of here! Now!
Adonis: _I just want to talk Diana...

Artemis points the bow to Adonis head.

Prometheus: _Hey, easy! He just want to talk!
Artemis: _Do you know what he did? 
Prometheus: _No, but you could lay down your weapon and tell me, I would hear with pleasure. Please Diana. 

Artemis starts to cry.

Artemis: _He was by my side day and night. He told me that he loved me, for I have been the one true Goddess of all times. He made me songs and poems, he took me to the roads I've never seem. I was almost completely in his hands, when I found out.... He took me by the hand and showed the way. Something I never felt before. It was truly important to me, but he was telling the same not for another woman, but several women. He loves nobody but himself and he wants to be happy about it. How could humans be so stupid and weak to play with somebody's else feelings like....like..nothing. I finally realize humans are always using masks, and the theater consumes their dignity. The actor is not playing anymore, he's living inside the stage,  but needs another scene every day. A scene where he could scream, sweat and turn his eyes in five seconds of orgasm. Another frame of the same situation is locked inside his mind, but he doesn't even care. He's a human. Hypocrisy is what makes him a human. I would never understand this iron race. Lying with no regard for nobody's feelings. That's what he does. He's not only throwing away my dignity, but the dignity of other women. I mean nothing to him, as much as the two hundred ladies he's engaged. Tell the same thing to anyone just had demonstrated to myself that love means none. "I love you" here, and there and far away. That's what he tells to every woman, and they are all fools like me and believe. You are a coward for do such a thing. You only care about yourself. There is a special place in Hades for those who are not able to love. Actors like you won't survive. When your thirsty for pleasure and lust ends, you will be sad and alone, because being a human, you know that you are going to die, so let's embrace Dionysus and make the life  a party and orgy, where other players and actors can enters to the stage, say the words we all know, and another actor comes in. He's going to die and he wants to forget the pain of living his cock, that's what matters to a man with no brains, this thing in the middle of his leg had consumed every possibility of creative thought, he's trouble because he's very special to die, so, let's make this one play a tragedy no one will ever forget. Tragedy is the mark of the human race. No matter what they do, how they do, they are always falling into the same mistakes, they are always beating their own heads against the floor, and they will never understand the director of this play are themselves. They could cut the scene and shot something else. But they like the same story, they like so much to repeat the same face of pleasure, they like to represent that you are giving pleasure to him, as nobody did. He acts like in a play, just to satisfy himself. Let's fuck until we can't because we are all going to die, youth pass away, and you might lost the chance of being a whore. That's what Adonis is. A professional actor. Lies are the form he creates to forget he is going to die. Look for yourself and tell me that I am lying:


_You are the most special one...Lisandra
 _Aphrodite...Oh, your perfume brings me fire and you are the only love of my life. Your eyes had taken me from a distant paradise.
 _Helen...we are together for such a long time. Homer was a blind fool who could never describe your charm. I could never think about other woman. You are the woman of my life. I love and respect you. How could I wish another woman if I had the one who envy the Gods? 
 _You are the best Hebe...I want to spend the rest of my life by your side
 _Oh Eris, of course I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Only with you. 
: _Let me paint your figure Larissa. I love you so much that I want to express that feeling in art. So my love would be registered forever, in your memory, in your care, in your beauty. 

Artemis: _...
Prometheus: _You better go Adonis. You should have told me about your "love". I didn't wanted to hurt my friend. 
Adonis: _Diana...I made a big mistake, but I am sure there is a way we could repair it, so I could show that my desire is only for you. 

Artemis shoots in his legs. He falls looking with a skeptical aspect. Artemis shoots again, the tears are falling from her eyes, but she is serious, this time the arrow penetrates his belly. He vomits blood but even so, he tries to run. Artemis is desolate and when Adonis is very far from her, she prepares the bow and gives the last shoot. Artemis runs away, jumping, climbing trees and leaving Prometheus alone. 

Prometheus: _It was not my plan. But I gotta do what I gotta do. 

Clarissa Lake - Adonis

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