Saturday 24 May 2014


(Prometheus and the Judges)

Rhadamanthys carrying an urn.

Prometheus: _Where are you going?
Rhadamanthys: _Athena is done. That's what I tell you. Do you see that Jar over there?
Prometheus: _I will not question you. What about the Jar?
Rhadamanthys: _It contains exactly what you need. Drink some of that water.
Prometheus: _Why should I?
Rhadamanthys: _You're not gonna like what is about to come. Besides I told you, not to bring her here. You both broke the trust, demonstrating you do what you want. This is a good water from the Lethe. 
Prometheus: _And this urn you're holding? 
Rhadamanthys: _You are not a man. You are a rat. There's anything of your concern. 
Prometheus: _What if I drink up that water?
Rhadamanthys: _You'll forget anything, even who you are. 
Prometheus: _Is it possible to live like this? 
Rhadamanthys: _You better try out. 
Prometheus: _Really? 
Rhadamanthys: _Stop playing a fool on me. Listen what is going to happen: Athena is going to far in the defense of the City of Athens. She is becoming flesh and blood, moon after moon, Athena is losing what she has. When her brother smells that evident weakness, he'll strike first. Athena will no longer be here. She must return to Olympus one way or another.
Prometheus: _I must drink the water. So what?
Rhadamanthys: _You are not going to like it. You do not have a choice. If you decide to strike me, one of my soldiers will certainly eliminate one of your relatives. I am sure you care a lot about them. So I am going to ask you one time. Before doing something stupid, think about it, there's nothing you can do. You will lose Athena, you will lose everything. 
Prometheus: _....
Rhadamanthys: _The gods had warn you. The Ephors, the Pythias oracle, I told you many times, not to do it. 
Prometheus: _Now you menace those I love most. 
Rhadamanthys: _I am sure after you drink that water they'll notice you. You family will take care of you, don't you worry about it. If you stay quiet, nothing is going to happen to them.
Prometheus: _You bastard. You are just gaining some extra time. Something is happening right now. Tell me.
Rhadamanthys: _You don't want to hear it. 
Prometheus: _...
Rhadamanthys: _My soldiers have orders to exterminate Athena. What she did offended the ancient tradition of the Gods, she is finally breaking every human's laws, she must die to rebirth at Olympus, where she belongs. 
Prometheus: _Where is she? 
Rhadamanthys: _Your mother? I will give you the location after you drink that water. 

Prometheus moves faster than Hermes could, and stab Rhadamanthys in the belly, starring at him.

Rhadamanthys: _You fool! Now you will lose everything!

Prometheus twists the knife 

Prometheus: _WHERE IS SHE?

Rhadamanthys: _She must be dead right now.

Prometheus looks at him with the calm of Eirene. Than he punches the face of Rhadamanthys several times. 

Prometheus: _I don't care who you are. No one threats those I love. 

Rhadamanthys: _You are a fool, and you pay for what you did as well. Anarchy is what you want, and we are not going to give you. Titans belong to Tartar. You shouldn't be here. But I will tell you where they are. Climene is in Thebes. Athena is now moving to Sparta. 

Prometheus hits the Judge until he falls. Then he explodes into a delusional red flame, and brake the Parthenon in several pieces, flying to Thebes. It was possible to see a red line in the sky, burning and make a strange noise of fire consuming air. Those who saw it, never forget it. 
But Rhadamanthys had lied. Athena was actually in the Greece City of Thebes. Climene at Sparta. 

Prometheus: _Athena! Are you fine?
Athena: _Sure I am fine. How did you find me?
Prometheus: _Rhadamanthys is trying to murder you. You better trust no one.
Athena: _...
Prometheus: _I gotta go. 
Athena: _Where?
Prometheus: _My mother is in Sparta. You should come with me.
Athena: _Your mother is in trouble? Let's do it now. 

Athena and Prometheus break flying through the sky, in a speed no bird could fly. They were so fast they could be listened miles and miles away, before a tiny yellow star shows up and than risk the heaven into red flames. They got the mercenaries of Rhadamanthys before they could accomplish their mission. The end for those was so terrible, so awful and disgusting whose description I could not make. Everything was fine until a woman, with a shape and figure of Athena, but red haired and with a great spear in her hands. 
She was far away, but for a spear she was close enough. She pierces Athena and spit on her face. 

Nemesis: _You fucking bitch! (spit). Go to fucking Hades with your love. 

Prometheus immediately tries to kill her, but she becomes smoke and vanish. 

Athena falls dead. Prometheus is carrying the spear, trying to understand, try no to think, trying not to cry. There is nothing to understand. 

Aiakos: _You murdered Athena! Guards! Take this monster under arrest. 

Prometheus is holding the spear and some blood drops on the ground. The guards are worried, they are getting close in a profound study of his body movements, when he finally let the spear fall on the ground. Then he fall on his knees. Desperate. Confuse. The guards cease him, after a violent attack. 

Aiakos: _Hold him.

Aiakos beats Prometheus until she get tired. 

Aiakos: _This is for what you did to my brother. 

A kick in the face.

Aiakos: _This is for what you did to the Republic. Two days from now you'll have a trial. You will be locked this two days without water, light or food. You won't see nobody, you'll talk to no one besides your shadows. In three days we will give you to the Authorities of the Republic. In four, your head will be rolling and the people will applause. The defended is guilty. Do you know who are going to be your Judges? Me and my brothers. You are charged of murder seven Senators. The things you did with them. Do you remember? It was horrible, the kids, the family, the society got shocked because it was impossible to recognize burned pieces of humans. Citizens. You are charged of stealing the National Treasure of the Republic. You also killed two priests and one acolyte. My brother told you what was better and fair for you. You would drink the water and lose everything away. But you'll pay for your choice. You piece of shit! Take this creature out of here.

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