Sunday 25 May 2014


(Chaos and Disorder)

A forest

Disorder: _What a wonderful place. The silence of the trees, the birds singing, makes me calm. I adore the woods.
Chaos: _Really? Why do you live in the city?
Disorder: _There is a changeless rainbow upon us. Let's not concern about little things. Can you hear the waterfall? Soon I will wash myself there. Totally naked...
Chaos: _Set the board and shut up.
Disorder: _I was waiting for you pal. I've already made my movement. Did you know Marcel Duchamp was a chess player?
Chaos: _Yes, I did. Let's just assume he was a better artist. Huumm...e4...I prefer black ones because it's harder.
Disorder: _Classical opening...what you gonna do?
Chaos: _A classical you have something to smoke? Stop showing me your boobs, it will not disturb me. 
Disorder: _Sure...take it.  ...f4...
Chaos: _Pawns...have you ever felt like a pawn in a game? ...d5...
Disorder: _Comic you say that...I feel like a Pawn a lot of times. ...exd5...
Chaos: _Germans does not play chess very well. Neither French. But nobody in the world are clever than Germans. They don't need to be good in chess. From automobile industry, philosophy, poetry, German is a worldwide potency. They think different from us, I believe is their ancient and high language. What I am saying is that Germans are so intelligent that even football becomes good and beautiful to watch. Anyway, we are talking about chess and  Russians know this subject like no one else. As I was saying, I'm Pawn in a game it's out of my control. And it makes me sick...I have the impression Prometheus is manipulating all of us...e4...well, maybe I'm thinking too much crap.
Disorder:'s a beautiful should never forget it. The real strength of a King is its Pawns. ...Kc3...They are the energy behind King and kingdom. Pawns are the concrete and genuine vigor who moves the kingdom. But some authors still prefer to hide the paws and show the glory of the king. Do you see the return of the chivalry novel with "A song of ice and fire". To me is a grotesque soap opera, the same Cervantes was criticizing a long time ago, they keep doing chivalry novels, and still is a success. People adore to trip over this fantastic world which never existed, and the things of brave and dirty knights, princess and dragons do. Oh, c'mon. At least Tolkien was not that superficial. The Lord of the Rings it's not just a chivalry novel as a song of ice and fire. 
Chaos: _Why do you say that?
Disorder: _Just take a look at the chessboard. Pawns are always majority. It does not matter which board you are using, if you are playing chess, Pawns are in great number. And it makes the whole difference.
Chaos: _I see your point. There is another important detail about pawns.
Disorder: _?
Chaos: _They are coequal, Thus, they are nameless, unidentified, different from pieces who are easily identified by the name and morphology of Knight, Queen or King. Coming back to the game, I can see your point and my answer is ...Kf6. Knights...always jumping upon others...
Disorder: _A Knight will always be a Knight, captured or dead least in the middle-age. Nevertheless, a Pawn can go further and promote itself. Only a Pawn could be possibly a Bishop, a Tower or a Queen! Oh my good Gods, why did I waste my time reading Martin? 
Chaos: _Not in the middle-age.
Disorder: _Don't be such a fool! Nothing is so unchanging...even in the middle-age. A Pawn could be a trade-man, a fisher-man, run away, burn castles and aristocracy ...History uses to idealize some ideas inside anemic heads. It was not a fair age, but think about nowadays:  A Pawn can be a king, but it does not mean he will. We see exactly contrary: A Pawn has a few possibility to become  free alone...And, in millions of Pawns, rarely one promote itself. For Pawns, life is harder in Roman Empire, middle-age or even contemporaneous days.
Chaos: _You know? Play chess with someone else is a manner of having knowledge over feelings and thoughts of your adversary.
Disorder: _Perhaps...If you are wondering what I am reasoning, you shall know my next movement...
Chaos: _I will not tell you.
Disorder: _It's my point. I believe playing games is a way of deeply experience somebody else. But...It's not that simple. ...d3...existence is faraway from intellect. Observe this fantastical day above our heads
Chaos: _Are you talking about game or sunshine?
Disorder: _Both of them. This idea of a Pawn going further has inspired me.
Chaos: are not a Pawn.
Disorder: _So imagine how further can we go...
Chaos: _Not so we are not servants of Lords or Slaves...but...something is really peculiar... you know...
Disorder: _I see. So called liberty is just another popular neurotic fairy tale. This is the most unsafe epoch ever.
Chaos: _Why did you say that?
Disorder: _People do not doubt. They have faith in democracy and religion, so everything is fine, we dont need to question, neither do anything. Let's just vote and let them do what they want. We are free to choose a non political behavior. Because what you've just said. Pawns have illusion of promotion, they are raised with this illusion of “being someone” and forget they already are someone indeed. They already believe being free, so conformism and acceptance becomes rules. 
Chaos: _Democracy hides's not because we are not running from whips of Lords and Crosses of church that Pawns have freedom. Like I said, the real power of Pawns lies in the group. Together, they are strong. Alone, they are nothing. But I see you point baby, world create the appearance of “oneness”, starting from the church.
Disorder: _Religion...Church...whenever they are, always crossing the interests of everyone
Chaos: _. “To Cross”...exactly...everyone has the obligation of dying in a cross, because church says so! And, if you are a Pawn, “Do not worry, someday, the kingdom of Heaven will be yours”.
Disorder: _When they die. They gave their entire lives to build the Kingdom of Heaven....Which means, justice will be done with the dead...because in life, the destiny of most of Pawns is being exploited by aristocrats or blue blood ones. But when you die, justice will be done. 
Chaos: _You are miserable, depressive and almost a slave, but do no care about it! The invisible man has a special overland for you, a land that rich and powerful ones will not enter. The allegory of camel...they are very smart...but do you know why Bishops walk in diagonals?
Disorder: _?
Chaos: _Because the church cross the interests of everybody, every time. We are talking about conformism, not religion. Many ideas give us the comfort we need to be invisibly whipped. They cross the interests of Kings, Pawns, Knights even another other words, Church always cross the interests of State and every soul within. Even today they have influence in people's minds. ...Bb4... Does never occur to them world has changed, and people believe in God, most at a cynic way. Because if a Pawn has a headache he will not “Oh Good Lord, great almighty, stop my headache, with your blessing and goodness”. No, it'll go to the drugstore, not pray. 
Disorder: _This is a different issue you are coming through. Before I give you my reply, ...Bd2...And, yes, they are serving another god, and this god is science. They've just changed: yesterday we have faith in paradise, today we have faith in Karl Marx and Albert Einstein.
Chaos: _My, oh my...but Bishops cross the interests of State for Evil and Good...depending on their own interests...
Disorder: _Evil and good for themselves!
Chaos: _Yes.
Disorder: _You are going to hellhole with your ideas. The serpent is crawling.
Chaos: _Bishops can cross the interests of everybody even from distance. Even from Vatican Palace.  Because they have power of institution behind them. But a Pawn can equally cross the interests of everybody, if he wishes, and it's is rattling, I see something beautiful in's too much dangerous but. ...e3...there is not another way to make a Pawn be noticed....Most of times is being sacrificed.
Disorder: _That's correct! And you heretic Pawn will be judge by God! ...Bxe3...
Chaos: _Then you leave no choice sweet...I'm going to do what Kings use to do in the face of risk.
Disorder: _Run away and keep inside their Castles protected by the rest, even his wife! 
Chaos: _How did you know? 
Disorder: _Because the King has power and everyone has notice of it. When you have power everyone wants to take it off. Hide your brave King! 
Chaos: _My pleasure ...O-O...
Disorder: _Most of Kings are cowards...they cover behind others. Make people die on their command. Because he is “The King”. But I'm not that innocent pal...I shall defend my side. ...Bd2...It's not because I got advantage that I should not care about defense.
Chaos: _In a lot of situations, to defend is a better way of attacking. ...Bxc3...
Disorder: _ ...bxc3...
Chaos: _Sometimes...we think we are in a better position...but we won't.
Disorder: _Why do you say that?
Chaos: _If you are a peasant, no one will ever notice you, do care over your feelings or possessions. Nevertheless, if you are a King, everyone looks at you, everyone cares about what time you use wake up, what do you eat, who are your children, when the princess will get married, etc. When the King and his entourage take the road, everyone recognize its royal stuff, to much sumptuous, brightness...a king calls for himself a lot of eyes. This is why he decided to be lock inside fortress.
Disorder: _Possibly, this is the reason, Super-Man has fallen in the family of farmers, Thus no one ever notice him. 
Chaos: _That's right. ...Te8+... check this out! Super-Man is a good example of power. He is Clark Kent, raised with a poor family of farmers and later he becomes a journalist. Most of times he is shy, myopic, weak, coward, awkward not so other words, he is a complete idiot. Not because he is an idiot itself. He did look at human beings, and the better example he had found, was the total asshole. Why?
Disorder: _Living like a complete idiot, no one would notice him and want to take him down.
Chaos: _Which means he look at the human kind as idiots. The Super-Man see the human kind as a bunch of stupids. They make him feel as an idiot, however,  in secret, he is a god of sorts and the others are idiots indeed. Do you get my point? Have you ever watched Kill Bill vol 2? This very same idea is explained by the character Bill, in the movie. The funny thing, this same idea of Super-man is present in a book of Umberto Eco: apocalittici e integrati. 
Disorder: _He is some kind of incarnation of everyone, or what everyone would desire to be themselves: His power is unlimited, he can fly at the speed of light, has heat vision, a good spirit and looks like a mix a romantic and perfect character and a brilliant mind of a investigator, in other words, he is nearly a God! He represent the wishes of common citizens, trapped inside their jobs and treat like fools. They want to be Super-Man!
Chaos: _But even Clark Kent has his own qualities: He is beautiful and as a employee he does the job as superior demand! Of course he is not that good as Louis Lane, but he is professional, as their readers. The most interesting that ridiculous fancy dress in United States colors, within uniform he is a powerful cop of America! He fought against the “evil” forces and is a punctual collaborator of Police
Disorder: _Ironic. ...Be2...He could simply end the problem of starving in Africa, finish wars, solve nuclear problems, deforest or water supply. No, rather than all dilemmas of humanity, Super-Man lives in USA and works for the local police of Metropolis! In lieu of save the world with his powers he does protect only bankers and corporations!
Chaos: _He is quite romantic. Even so Louis Lane makes him more stupid, in the end, neither Super-Man nor Clark Kent can strike indestructible potential of Lex Luthor. No man could ever take a woman in the face of profits! ...Bg4... But maybe, We are just overstating, it's been a long time that I do not read cartoons, possibly, modern Super-Man has changed.
Disorder: _The eternal impasse of women: should I stay with down at heel and good-heart man or should I stay with the ambitious and wealthy one? Maybe both of them? Women seems explosives, specially young ones I gotta tell you man, watch out for those. I am telling you about the character, how they represent women in literature. Louis Lane is a classical example. He despises Clark Kent, but in deep, she knows he is a good guy, and feel pity for him. She believes being much clever than him. And he, acting as silly, pay attention in my words, "acting". Clark Kent is always faking, always representing,  always ashamed of things, saying sorry, with that big glasses which gives him the appearance of a nerd which never kissed a woman. Clark Kent is a disguise Super-man had found to stay invisible. Louis Lane takes advantage of the situation, Kent is countrified, but he's kind and handsome. What about Lex Luthor? A young millionaire guy. ...c4...I'm telling you, obsession for young ladies take the power of a man down. Young ladies let the men fragile.
Chaos: _Women are never happy, at least, their representation. But most of people wants to be like Super-Man, he is a myth and also an paradigm. Sometimes a good example. ...c6...Super-Man shows everybody that not even him can make a woman completely happy and no one is capable to defeat mightiness of capital, or Lex Luthor, who is a prototype of self-made man, self confident, millionaire, pretentious, greed .... god of Green ones. Cash is a power neither Super-Man could fight. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
Disorder: _Yup. “No free lunch”. And his weak point? ...dxc6...even a regular Pawn can ruin it with kryptonite. It does not matter how much power do you have, you have a weak point and sooner or later it'll put you in danger. Even a Pawn could kill him. When I was a kid, I used to read Super-Man and I was wondering how to beat him. I have an idea that I've saw one of this days in the T.V Show, “Smallville”, the idea is silly but quite simple, is create bullets of kryptonite. 
Chaos: _Funny. When I was a child I knew that Super-Man was not a hero, he is actually a big danger. Whenever he is, there is danger: everyone wants blow him down, because it jumps and flies, and this is dangerous. ...Cxc6... When I was a teenager I've seen that uniform and found disgusting, because it's like Spider-Man, Captain America and many others: the colors of United States flag. Furthermore, that underwear upon its clothes it's ridiculous, the guy has no sense of style! 
Disorder: _He is a metaphor of a lot a things. Whatever you want to wonder about...Even a Emperor. ...I got a doubt here...if we use the “K” of Knight to represent Horse, which letter is well adequate for King?
Chaos: _I have no idea. The letter does make any difference. Use “M”
Disorder: _What?
Chaos: _Exactly. “M” of Male. “M” of Monarch.
Disorder: _Good. So my movement is ...Mf1...
Chaos: _Run, Forrest, Run! ...Txe2...
Disorder: _Very aggressive...Someday, a Journalist had asked Bobby Fischer what was his favorite piece in chess.
Chaos: _And what was the answer?
Disorder: _Guess what.
Chaos: _The Monarch?
Disorder: _He told for journalist that the better piece of chess is the one who makes him win the game.  ...Kxe2...
Chaos: _Bobby Fischer is good with the Russian School of Chess. Imagine in the cold war a man able to challenge all the Russians and beat all of them alone. He is the American dream. Not that I agree with him. ...Kd4...
Disorder: _May I know what is your favorite piece or what your opinion about it?
Chaos: _Sure you can. The King. 

Disorder: _The King? He does nothing but depend on others. And even for a beginner, of course King is most important. But instead king is there any piece?
Chaos: _I was just annoying you, honey. Of course, my favorite piece is the Queen. terribly powerful and at the same time tender and delicate. While the King is the most pursuit and just give one step at a time, the Queen move faster, elegant and fragile, she does attacks from distance. Obviously, after the King she is the most desirable, in many cases, she sacrifice herself to save the King, to save everyone.
Disorder: _Go on. ...Qb1...
Chaos: _Sometimes the Queen or Princess sacrifices herself in order to exhaust, extinguish enemy defenses and strike them down once and for all. And she does all of this for Love. I don't know if she loves the kingdom or the King, but only love might produce such a deadly build. Because, for love, she forgot her own sake to save others. And like all the ladies, she is sensitive. Her power of attack is directly proportional of her weakness: Being a legitimate lady, she's a weak point itself. Her powers turns against her and brake her down. This is why Queen attacks but are weak, she is a lady. The most important thing about the Queen is the ideal of woman. In regular life, women are rational and men sentimental. The Queen of Chess is the ideal woman because she sacrifices herself for love, in the other hand, the King is rational: always locked inside his tower, one step at a time, making plans and schemes. … not think being too much rational is not a weakness either.
Disorder: _My Queen run away and let the King being attacked alone. What can I do now?
Chaos: _There is not too much options.
Disorder: _Whatever. ...Mf2...
Chaos: _Are you sure? I did not have moved my Queen yet.
Disorder: _Can I change my last move? Please?
Chaos: _No baby. Now it's too late. Too late. But you'll learn you won't win Hermes in games.
Disorder: _Fine. Fair and square. 
Chaos: _C'mon Eris. Let's eat something. I am actually starving. 
Disorder: _Did you heard something?
Chaos: _Relax...

Clarissa Lake - Super-man

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