Friday 23 May 2014

Non serviam

A Tragedy of single act.

Act I 


(God and a wave of angels. The angels are surrounding the Holy Father with their white wings. A chorus begins)

Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus!

The Angel of the Light enters and all becomes silence. The angels turn back and look to the most beautiful angel. The Son of the Light stands, so some angels might appreciate his imperial and superior kindness. The Holy Father is serious, watching everything in silence. The Angel of the Light smile and step by step, slow as a tiger, he pass in the middle of all angels, giving his charm. 
Many angels watch, stupefied, the singular way He walks. After a long walk, he finally approaches the Almighty Father. 

Lucifer: _I shall no longer serve you. 
The Almighty: _...
Lucifer: _You never talk. Always serious. You are a sad lonely man. You have no beauty. So you cannot rule this place. I want to build an empire of beautiful things, things who could delight our spirit and, why not? Our body...Do not deny father, we have wishes...sometimes I want to be with other angels. Do you think am I weak father? Everything is so boring here, we must have pleasure and do what we want to do. Why do we have to follow you? Because you are benevolent? I don't believe that. 
The Almighty: _Get out of my house. You don't belong here. 
Lucifer: _Brothers! Our beloved Father wants to enslave us in his heart, so will be only love him, being slaves of the way he thinks. He is right, this is his place. But those who want to be free, follow me. Let's create an age of delight and beauty. Come brothers, come to a beautiful place, where we will turn ladies on whores and men on stupid, giving them the illusion of knowledge, the greed for power and the thirsty for pleasure, as puppets they will be ours until the end of the days. And let this very clear: We shall not interfere in Heaven, so Our Father, with all do respect, will honor his side. Won't you Father? That's right, we have a place to rule now. Think about a world we can make, so our father will not stand his jealousy. Let the world be revolved into cold gray!

Hundreds of Angels heard the calling of the Angel of the Light. Most of them were praying, concentrated in positive and good thoughts. Some others, still in doubt. A few of them fascinated for that figure. 

Lucifer: _Father. You envy me. You never expected one of your Creation could be smarter than you, cutest than you, wiser, and what is very obvious: much more powerful.  

The Son of the Light minded being powerful than his Father. He tried to trick Him, now that some fallen angels had supported his mind. The Archangel Raphael was there, and defended the Father with the Glorious Shield. Following him, Gabriel and Michel hold their sacred swords. 

(Lucifer is wounded and absorbing the whole light of the environment. He starts to become a concentrated dark shade and it is possible to see only his mouth, because he's laughing in his own pain)

Lucifer: _Just because I am right! You surprise me brothers. All you want is have a taste of my lips, take my body and my soul, but you live denying it. We are all corrupt! You should come with me!

The Almighty: _You will no longer be here. For the end of the times, you will live in pain and solitude. I curse you Son. You shall never return to this house. Michel!

Michel is furious and anger, and with one single movement of his sword, he opened a hole in the sky. The Son of the Light and his Fallen Angels go down with him. While they were falling, hundreds of flying burned bodies making a wonderful view, some of them did look up and pointed fingers, a bunch of wounded and laughing as insane, they seemed a lot of ashes falling down from heaven. The Supreme Light of Heaven could not touch them anymore. They fall like gloomy visions, distorted figures of angels with pterodactyl wings, trying to fly, but the force of nature pushes them down. They keep laughing, and as vicious vultures they learn to fly, broken, bleeding, back in the trees, on the sea, up in the mountains and cold places. In this environment , the light of these angels cast shadows. The light of these angels is still strong and they might use it to deceive the lascivious human race. Until the end of the times.

Lucifer: _That's right brothers. I'd rather reign on Earth than being a slave in Heaven. 

Clarissa Lake - Old Christian family

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